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Writer's pictureRachelle Barron Knight

Quantum Physics and the World of Possibilities

Updated: Jun 30, 2020

I’m going to get a little scientific here, so if you are not scientifically minded, please bear with me. I merely wish to convey the reasoning and speculation behind some of my beliefs. From what we know and have experienced so far in Quantum Physics, we know that the simple act of observing a wave-particle (tiny bits of matter) affects the behavior of it. This was proven in the famous double-slit experiment, which for the sake of brevity, I won’t get into here. However, I do recommend researching it a little as the quantum world is truly fascinating and it opens your mind to new thoughts. Suffice it to say, science has proven that we play a role in the outcome of an event (whether we want to or not) simply by the act of observing it. Quantum Physics also shows us that matter holds within itself infinite possibilities for any state of being. In other words, it holds possibilities of being anywhere in space and time and it holds possibilities of being in any state, e.g. alive or dead, working or broken, thick or thin, etc. This was famously calculated by Nobel prize winning physicist Erwin Schrodinger and is best understood in his thought experiment known as Schrodinger’s Cat, another subject I won’t get into much here as this isn’t intended to be a scientific case study. This experiment illustrates the concept of quantum superposition, a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics. It states that, similar to waves in classical physics, any two or more quantum states can be added together and the result will be another quantum state; and conversely, that every quantum state can be represented as a sum of two or more other distinct states. In other words, all things are connected and anything is possible. This has huge implications when it comes to understanding the nature of reality. At the subatomic level, when matter is in the wave state, it abides in a state of all possibilities (superposition). However, when it is observed by something which can measure it, i.e. us humans, it collapses on only one of those possibilities and becomes a particle. In other words, the nature of matter at the subatomic level suggests that all possibilities are present when we are not observing it, but once we do, it collapses into one possibility which we then call reality. Which gives rise to some questions: if our simple observation of something can affect the behavior of matter, then what could happen when we deliberately focus our attention on it? What if we applied intention? What happens then? And this is where we must make the leap from scientific reasoning to spiritual understanding. Perception and The Vibrational Reality Have you ever played with a tuning fork? I remember doing some experiments in my high school physics class using tuning forks. Tuning forks are very interesting in that they demonstrate the nature of not only sound but of vibration. We know that when two tuning forks are in agreement, that is, at the same frequency, we get resonance between the two. We see resonance when one of the tuning forks is struck and the other one begins to vibrate at the same tone. We also know that when two tuning forks are not in agreement, that is, at different frequencies, we get what we call interference when the tuning forks are struck, producing a disharmonious effect. We also know that sound vibrations affect the way in which things are perceived visually. When struck and placed in front of a strobe light for example, the two tines of the tuning fork appear to move back and forth, seeming to bend. Although logic tells that the tines cannot actually move like that, our eyes tell us that they do. The light also emits a frequency and when the sound frequency interacts with it, the results are palpable. This demonstrates how frequency can affect our perception. So what if everything in the universe were actually made up of sound vibrations? Since we know that all things in the universe are made up of energy and energy emits vibration then it is not so far out there to consider that everything in this universe is actually sound emitting vibrations. For it is our ability to perceive which determines that which we experience. This can be understood by the thought experiment, if a tree falls in a forest and nobody's around to hear it, does it still make a sound? Quantum physics is telling us that the answer is no, it does not. There must be a receiver to perceive it. In other words, the observer’s presence has a direct effect on the experience. Through scientific experimentation, we have discovered that sound can actually emit light. This process is called Sonoluminescence. While this is still being tested and scientists do not completely agree on what causes this phenomenon, I feel that it is enough for us to play with the possibility that everything we perceive is actually because of sound frequencies. The idea that the universe is made up of sound waves is not entirely new. In fact, it has been suggested in some of the ancient religious texts and practices. In the Christian religion, the Bible says that God spoke the universe into existence. In the Hindu religion, the Upanishads say that the sound of all creation is Om (pronounced AUM). “Om” is a mantra as is “Amen” and “Shalom” along with many others. Mantras are believed to be words of power which are listened to or recited to achieve resonance with specific attributes of divine energy. We find use of such words of power in many different spiritual practices such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and many Native American tribes. In fact, these sacred sounds can be found at the roots of practically every major religious practice today. Imagine each person as a tuning fork. With our understanding of resonance and interference, it makes sense why we seem to just click with some people and we seem repelled by others. When we are with someone who’s at a similar frequency, we get along very well and we seem to be “in tune” with one another as we resonant in our communications. Other times we may find ourselves with someone who is not of the same frequency and we immediately feel uncomfortable as together we create interference, unable to communicate clearly with one another. This video here shows some wonderful demonstrations on the nature of sound vibrations and how they effect the natural world:

So what if we went with this idea and accepted that the Law of Attraction was real? This might mean that we ourselves are like the tuning forks, each one of us vibrating at different frequencies and attracting to us those which are like the frequencies we are emitting. But we have an advantage over the tuning fork because we can deliberately change our frequency. We do so by controlling our emotional output, in other words, our mood. When we can focus deliberately on emitting a frequency through our emotional energy, we can control the things which we attract into our experience. So if your mood is one of time shortage, frustration and feeling hurried, you emit a frequency which attracts more of that energy. While you are moving about, emitting this frequency, you find yourself knocking things over, breaking things or perhaps other people get in your way. All of these things came about from and contribute to the emotions you are emitting. Like attracts like after all and the more focused we are, the greater the momentum of energy and the sooner the manifested reality comes about. Is it so far fetched to think that perhaps this is the way all energy in the universe works? Our study of sound is still in its infancy and we certainly need to conduct further studies in order to explore the possibilities only suggested by this idea. But I feel that the more we understand the world of sound, the more we will understand about the nature of reality and our vital role in the making and perception of it. You Create Your Own Reality So if it is real that all things are possible and if it is true that the Law of Attraction exists, what does that mean for our everyday existence as human beings? Quantum Physics suggests that it means that we are the creators of what we call reality and I have to concur. I believe that each one of us has a unique, individual experience of reality based on our individual point of attraction. In other words, we experience reality based on our perspective and our perspective is determined by our thoughts and beliefs. What I experience as reality may not necessarily be the same as what you experience. We can see this in cases where multiple eyewitnesses of an event have different stories of what actually took place. This is because each one of us has our own lens of perception through which we experience the world. And this is a good thing as the diversity and the contrast created by that diversity allows us to continuously evolve, but more on that later. It also means that we can learn how to apply deliberate intent in order to change the lens to be one of our conscious choosing. Taking this further, we can begin to examine and explore the idea of multiple universes which is currently only a scientific theory. But what if each one of us is actually living in our own version of the universe, experiencing life through the lens of our unique perspective? What if our realities could blend together, allowing us to interact, respond and co-create with one another? This is where we would have certain agreed upon attributes such as the earth and its gravity. But for the most part, we are each creating and living in our own, unique universe. Even though this is just a theory and scientists are just beginning to explore this idea, imagine if this is how reality actually works. This would mean that anything is possible and what we call “reality” is really just the perspective of the perceiver. This would also mean that truth is relative as what we believe, we perceive. If this were so, then the Law of Attraction would continue to bring to us evidence of our beliefs, therefore proving to ourselves what we believe to be true. This is why each religion believes that it is right, this is why people believe what they saw actually happened and this is why we can make anything true for ourselves as truth is individual and based on our unique perspective. As lofty and as far out as that may seem to you, I believe that this is the true nature of reality. And if it is true, then it becomes paramount that we learn how to become more prudent in our focus. Simply stated, it is a matter of either being a deliberate creator of our lives or creating our lives by default. The more we understand our role in our own creation/evolution, the more we can focus deliberately to create a more satisfying and thrilling life experience for ourselves. And that, is what life’s all about.

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